Visual Minteq Mac

Titrator Chemical Equilibrium Calculator‎ > ‎


Some other chemical equilibrium calculators which may be better suited to your needs, especially for more advanced calculations...
ChemEQL- Another free, simple equilibrium calculator, ChemEQL is a JAVA
program (runs on Mac, Linux and Windows) that contains a small database with >2000 reactions. It has a simple, text-oriented interface and lots of documentation (95 page manual, including a quick-start section).
Visual Minteq- Visual Minteq is an updated, GUI version of the US EPA's MinteqA2 program used to calculate equilibrium speciation in natural waters. It has a simple interface, a nicely-updated thermodynamic database, and interfaces with Excel for graphic display. Windows only.
PHREEQc- The US Geological Survey maintains this very powerful program as freeware. PHREEQc performs not only equilibrium calculations, but chemical kinetics, reactive transport and inverse (pathway) modeling. It has a text-driven interface and requires a longer learning period than the programs listed above.
Additional information on these programs is available in the downloadable pdf 'Equilibrium Resources' (see below).


Visual MINTEQ is the second-most used chemical equilibrium software application among researchers publishing in Elsevier journals. Probably this is because it is easy to learn, yet powerful, for many kinds of chemical equilibrium problems. Often downloaded with Visual Minteq 3.0 Free Download Mac. Visual AssertVisual Assert is a Visual Studio® AddIn that allows you to easily write. DOWNLOAD; Visual C RuntimeThe Microsoft Visual C 2010 runtime redistributable package installs runtime. DOWNLOAD; Visual Patch ExpressVisual Patch Express is the perfect solution for developers looking for the.

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Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual Basic, Visual C, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, Borland. Visual MINTEQ is a freeware chemical equilibrium model for the calculation of metal speciation, solubility equilibria, sorption etc. For natural waters. It combines state-of-the-art descriptions of sorption and complexation reactions with easy-to-use menus and options.

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